TourNord is happy to announce that the University of the Faroe Islands will be joining us!
The University of the Faroe Islands (UFI) is the primary higher education and research institution in the Faroe Islands, the nation’s only university and its foremost knowledge centre. It undertakes research and research-based teaching, providing for synergy between research and teaching, to serve the evolving needs and priorities of the Faroes and their wider region.

The University, which plays a vital role in Faroese society, currently has some 100 academic staff (full-time equivalents), some 60 staff in support and service positions, and around 1,000 students. The University’s Strategic Plan 2020-2024 provides a fresh statement of the University´s mission, together with a vision of a well-integrated, modern, professional university, working in partnership and in collaboration, to serve the evolving needs of the Faroe Islands and the wider region.
The Faroe Islands has also become a unique country (and first mover) in innovative approaches to a more sustainable and responsible form of tourism. We look forward to learning from them on how we can continuously improve tourism education in the Nordics and Baltics!
TouNord is now represented in Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, Finland Greenland, Lithuania, Poland and the Faroe Islands by 11 different institutions.